Merry Christmas 2017

I love Christmas cards. I love sending them and receiving them. I think it’s a great tradition and a special way to stay in touch, even in a world where most of us are connected via social media. I love going through our pictures from the year, finding our favorites and arranging them to share as a holiday greeting to……

Exploring Central Nebraska

Continuing west after our visit to Omaha, we met up with friends in central Nebraska and spent a couple of days with them there. These are friends that we met through Full-time Families and camped beside in Florida last winter. In the spring, we met up with them to explore Mammoth Cave. This time, our itineraries didn’t sync quite as……

Discovering Omaha

There aren’t too many states left where we can say it’s a new state for all 5 of us. Iowa was one. Nebraska was another. I’ll admit, I didn’t know much about Nebraska before we started planning our fall itinerary. After spending more than two weeks there, we can now say that it is so much more than a “fly-over……