Nomads in Quarantine

Reviving our poor neglected blog to let everyone know that we are okay and ready to shelter in place for as long as we need to. Maybe our quarantine doesn’t look exactly like the average, but you might be surprised. We’re staying home, avoiding public places, and trying to get a few basic supplies each week from the Walmart pick……

An Unintended Hiatus

After months of getting further and further “behind” on documenting our travels, it has now been a number of weeks since I’ve posted anything on our blog. We’ve posted a few small updates on our Facebook page, but it’s been crickets over here at ye olde website. If you’re reading this and we haven’t lost you as a follower, you……

Introducing the New Lindstroms on the Road!

Welcome to the new Lindstroms on the Road! We started this blog nearly three years ago to share our preparations for, and eventually the details of, our three-month road trip around the United States with our two young children. Though the trip is over and our travels have been chronicled, the blog remains and we’ve even put some effort into……

Under Construction!

Renovation seems to be very popular right now. Chances are, if you’re not involved in your own remodeling project right now, you’re helping someone else with theirs… or at least watching a stranger’s on TV. Though we’re not usually the type to follow trends, it just so happens that we have our own little renovation project underway. We’re gutting and……