Under Construction!

construction-kidsRenovation seems to be very popular right now. Chances are, if you’re not involved in your own remodeling project right now, you’re helping someone else with theirs… or at least watching a stranger’s on TV. Though we’re not usually the type to follow trends, it just so happens that we have our own little renovation project underway. We’re gutting and rebuilding our website. It’s less expensive and messy than remodeling our kitchen and hopefully less time consuming. The kitchen we have currently meets our needs (mostly… sometimes there are too many science experiments happening when it’s time to make dinner, but ya’ know…) but our current blog isn’t keeping up with our ideas and plans.

So it’s time for something new. And actually what we’re doing is less like a renovation of a current space and more like buying a plot of land and building our own thing. We’ll be moving from the WordPress.com environment which is free (and we like free!) but limited. Staffan is hard at work writing code and I’m so thankful for his skills because the trial runs look great! Meanwhile I’m typing away trying to fill the pretty spaces with written words that someone might want to read. It’s a team effort and so far we’re pretty satisfied with the results. We can’t wait to launch it and see what everyone else thinks!

Thanks in advance for your patience with the messy parts of transition (at least it’s not drywall dust – that stuff gets everywhere!). We hope our current followers will continue following us, and when our new space is ready to launch we’ll let you know how to stay with us.

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