Celebrating Peter – A Day at Discovery Cube

Back in November, Peter turned six! In keeping with the ideas that guide our family’s life, we don’t do extravagant birthdays, but we do have a few little traditions to mark the day. We focus on celebrating the person, being together, and the things that person loves best. On the day we celebrated Peter, it was all about ninjas, science,……

RV Holidays: Halloween

Yes, I know it’s March. I’m going to post about Halloween anyway. I never got around to posting any of our Halloween pictures at the time and we got a lot of questions about how we handled Halloween on the road. Our apologies for taking a few months to answer them, but better late than never, right? If nothing else,……

California or Bust!

Here’s where we confess to how far our blog accounts are currently behind our actual travels. Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in living our adventure that we take less time documenting it. Somewhere there’s a balance between living in the moment while still taking time to reflect on what we’ve done, but it’s not always easy to find…….