Here’s where we confess to how far our blog accounts are currently behind our actual travels. Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in living our adventure that we take less time documenting it. Somewhere there’s a balance between living in the moment while still taking time to reflect on what we’ve done, but it’s not always easy to find. Writing these blog posts helps us to process our experiences as well as preserve them for ourselves and to share with others. Our goal is to keep it a little more current than we are right now, but look at it this way: lately our posts have been written with plenty of time for processing and reflection.
When we left Dinosaur National Monument in late October it was starting to get pretty cold in the Rockies and it was time to make a dash for warmer climates. California here we come!
We were headed for a Thousand Trails RV park near Los Angeles but there were still nearly 800 miles of desert to cross to get there. After weighing all our options and comparing routes, we settled on our plan: California or Bust. We would push through with a few pretty long and difficult driving days, but then have plenty of time to sit still and enjoy the southern California climate.

The first day we covered a little more than 150 miles of smaller and winding mountain roads and then slept for the night at a Walmart near the interstate. The next day, we made it nearly 400 miles before setting camp in the dark at a KOA in Las Vegas. Having finally arrived in a warmer climate zone at a campground with a heated pool, we let the kids take a morning swim before buckling up and driving the remaining 250 miles to our destination.

It was one last intense push after more than a month of longer drives and more frequent moves than we might otherwise prefer. But we knew that once we got to California, we would slow down the pace considerably and we were ready to do that. We don’t take for granted that we were able to see and do so many amazing things and spend time with some great people as we crossed the country. Nevertheless, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and we were getting tired. It was time for a more sustainable tempo, allowing us to rest and catch up with many of the more mundane, everyday tasks that had taken a backseat for a while.

After a long day’s drive, as we finally approached our campground, we were met with detour signs. The beautiful winding mountain road we were on was closed for filming a Hollywood movie. “Expect signs of fire and explosions.” Welcome to California indeed!

Hej alla,
Men alltså… Hela er tid är ju ett äventyr! Nytt hela tiden. Tur att ni inte passerar språkbarriärer vid varje gräns. Och nu får ni värme, lyckliga ni.
Sitter framför nyheterna Och nu säjer de att det ska fortsätta snöa. Man kan undra om snöbergen hinner försvinna innan ni kommer hit igen…. Lagra värme innan dess!
Kram, Kerstin
Hej Kerstin! Ja värme har vi haft i stort sätt hela vintern. Några kyliga nätter men inte så många minus grader. Och ingen snö. Barnen kan sakna snön lite ibland – så det är kanske nån som är glad om snöbergen ligger kvar där till midsommar. Helt otroligt hur mycket snö ni har fått i år! Kan inte säga att jag saknar det. Men Sverige har lärt mig att njuta av solen på riktigt – och det gör jag här!