Favorite Things in February and March

February and March were full and eventful, and our favorite things this time around are things that make daily life a little smoother, and that have allowed us to better enjoy big events like the Full-time Families Rally and our Disney vacation. Once again we are using Amazon affiliate links when possible. If you’re interested in any of this month’s……

Our Disney Favorites

On our sixth and last day at Disney World, a sudden rain storm was the final factor and we left the park early (as in, around 6pm instead of 8 or even later). The lines were long and we were exhausted. Once we added wet to that list, it was time to go. We wanted to leave while the mood……

Disney World

Once we’d recovered a little from the Ftf Rally (though honestly, had we been to a rally before, we would have left more recovery time) it was finally time for Disney World. To thoroughly write about our week at Disney would take at least a half-dozen posts, but I’m going to see what I can do with two or three. The……

Our First Full-time Families Rally

“Is this your first rally?” someone asked us. We nodded. “I thought so. You have that lost, wide-eyed, deer in the headlights kind of look about you. Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine. This is going to be great!” It’s taken me a few weeks to be able to write about our experiences at our first FtF (Full-time Families)……

A Brief Tour in Tampa

Moving in the direction of Tallahassee, where we were headed to attend a Full-time Families Rally, our next stop was the Tampa area. We have two nearby Encore RV parks included in our Thousand Trails membership, and since neither had availability for all three nights we planned to stay there, we stayed in both. Largo Vacation Village in Largo, FL, is……

Of Mote and Myakka

One of the things that first drew us to this road-schooling lifestyle was the opportunity to teach our kids primarily through experiences – through touching, tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing firsthand, rather than just reading about it in a book or watching a video (though we still do those things too!) So even though we need to plan longer stops……

Peace River

One of the things we’re learning about a traveling lifestyle is pacing. When you’re on vacation, you usually want to see and do as much as you can before you head back to everyday life. The days are fun but intense and often we talk about needing to recover after a vacation. Even on our big trip in 2012, our……

Making the Most of the Space Coast

Spoiler Alert: We didn’t do anything related to NASA or space at all. The area around Titusville, Florida is often referred to as the Space Coast. It’s the home of Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. We saw both of these places from a distance, and at some point we’d really like to visit Kennedy Space Center (I imagine……

Choosing a Thousand Trails Membership

When we left Osceola National Forest we headed for Three Flags RV Campground in Wildwood, FL, which was our third stay in the Thousand Trails network. The longer we live this full-time traveling lifestyle, the more we realize that our preferred campground is more like what we left in Osceola – national/state/county parks and forests that may boast fewer amenities but……

Our Favorite Things in January

We’re trying something new and we hope you’ll let us know if you love it or hate it. About once a month, we want to let you know what some of our favorite things have been lately and why. It will be a different way to tell stories that might not fit in another post, and we hope that it……

Hunted by Helena

We have a “polar package” on our camper. If we compare it to our Swedish camper, it’s kind of a joke, but it does give us a little bit of protection in colder temperatures. It basically means the underbelly is enclosed and receives some heat from the heat system and water heater. But this is by no means a winter……

A Day in DC

Just outside of Washington DC, in Greenbelt, Maryland is a small national park that many people have never heard of. We hadn’t until recently. Greenbelt National Park doesn’t boast thousands of acres, dramatic vistas, or unique natural phenomena like some of the better known parks. This pretty wooded area, just 12 miles from the White House, is little more than……

The First State

Delaware’s state nickname is “The First State” and it was fitting for us as this was the first state for us as we officially began to travel. We purchased the trailer in New Jersey and stayed in it for more than a month in Pennsylvania, but as we began our travels beyond visiting family and friends, our first state was……

The “Camp” in Campus Park and Ride

The website promises no trees, grass, lakes, or anything else that you typically associate with camping. They weren’t exaggerating. Campus Park and Ride is a parking lot where commuters to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) and surrounding areas can park their cars and take a shuttle bus. A typical park and ride… except that this park and……