We are often asked questions about how we celebrate holidays when we’re on the road. This time of year makes me feel nostalgic for traditions that are hard to keep and loved ones that are often far away.
It has been important for me to learn to rethink my definitions and expectations for celebrating holidays. My kids will not grow up with the exact same traditions I did. That would have been true whether or not we chose this nomadic lifestyle. This doesn’t mean that the new traditions we create in our family – that are full-time travel compatible – aren’t beautiful and meaningful.
I am also learning to be open to the possibilities that are hidden in the challenge of holidays on the road. Last year, far from loved ones on Thanksgiving, we joined a group of other full-time RVing families that graciously invited us to join their potluck feast. These new friends quickly grew to become like family on the road. Our tribe. We spent most of the winter together and we’re excited to rejoin them in Florida in a few weeks.
A Snowy Start
But first, we’re spending Thanksgiving with family in the Philadelphia area this year. We were hoping for a mild November until after Thanksgiving when we will start heading south for the winter. Instead, we’ve already thawed our water line with a hair dryer once, and this is the scene as I sit and type this:
The kids are thrilled, and I suppose it’s important for them not to forget winter entirely. They are still Swedish, after all.
RV Thanksgiving
If you’re curious about how RVing families celebrate Thanksgiving on the road, or an RVer looking for ideas, I’m guest posting about this today over at Wonder Wherever We Wander! Here’s an excerpt:
“It’s time once again for Thanksgiving in America. (The Canadians have already had theirs.) In true American fashion, each year we choose to show how thankful we are for the blessings of the year by attempting to consume them all in a single meal. (Just joking… sort of.)
Thanksgiving conjures images of a large extended family gathered around a table filled with turkey, stuffing, and platters of other delicious and festive foods. Young and old are dressed in their Sunday best and trying hard to save room for pumpkin pie. It’s like a Norman Rockwell painting.
But what do you do when you live in an RV the size of the dining table in that painting? How can families on the road celebrate this iconic American holiday? Chances are, the reality will be far from the painting, but a memorable Thanksgiving celebration is possible wherever the road takes you…”
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Whether this Thanksgiving finds you enjoying the shade of a palm tree (like we did last year!) or shoveling out your car (like we are this year), we wish you a wonderful holiday! May you be surrounded by those you love and pause to give thanks for God’s abundant gifts.
Past holiday reflections:
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Lindstroms! The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Grateful to God for his generosity to us in so many ways!
Nu har jag suttit i gungstolen o läst fler av era berättelser. Vad ni hinner! Och vad ni är skickliga att hitta olika intressanta platser o under tiden klara livet o arbeta. Här har vintern börjat m -10-15 grader o fin snö i träden. Och så morse vaknar man upp till regn som fortsätter än. Tung snö böjer träden över el.-ledningar. Vi skulle ha Lucia-fest i bönhuset,men ingen el eller värme sen i natt! Men så kom den ung. 2 tin innan det var dags. Det var dagens spännande äventyr!
Önskar er en fin Advent o en God Jul! Kram fr Kerstin
Hej Kerstin!
Så bra att ni fick ström lagom till Lucia-festen! Det blir ingen riktig Lucia för oss i år. Imorgon kör vi sista sträckan söderut och kommer till Florida. Där firar vi jul med några av våra närmaste vänner, som också är heltids-resande familjer. Mycket att se fram emot! God Jul önskar hela fam. Lindström