Merry Christmas 2016

Once again, it’s been much too long between blog posts. We appreciate your patience and understanding. This transition has been intense and demanding on our time and our energy. It seems there hasn’t been enough of either left at the end of the day to sit down and put it all into words.

Today isn’t the day for that either. Today we simply want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and assure you all that we are well.

We are settling in to our camper – a Keystone Cougar that we’ve been living in since November 23. There will be a post soon about our rig, complete with a photo tour. We’ve begun the process of acquiring all that we need but didn’t bring with us. Starting over is an exciting, but at times frustrating, process. It really is the little things that we either appreciate or miss, depending on whether or not we have them when we need them.

We are so grateful to the amazing people in our lives who have helped us in so many ways through this transition. Our friends and family who have given us places to park, shared electricity or showers, given us basic household items to get us started, watched our kids as we ran countless errands, shared meals, fellowship and encouragement with us… thank you. Words seem so inadequate. But we know that we never could have done all of this on our own. Thank you for loving us so well!

Today we celebrated the birth of our Emmanuel together in our cozy home, and also with extended family. There is room here for a small tree with a few special presents, and to hang three stockings for Santa. We’ll post again soon about celebrating Christmas with little ones in an RV. It’s not actually so different than how we celebrated in an apartment.

You’ll hopefully be hearing from us more often now as we manage to get our feet back under us and land in our new normal. For today, we wish you all the joys of a simple Christmas, surrounded by loved ones and basking in the mystery of a God who put on skin and moved into our neighborhood, as helpless as the little one we hold in our arms this Christmas.

Merry Christmas from the Lindstrom family!




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