The Storm Before the Calm

Writing today from the United States, for the first time in a long time. Our last post was about waiting. And when our period of waiting was finally over, there was little time left over for writing. To call the last two months intense is a bit of an understatement. But it has, for the most part, been a happy……

Farewell to Orkestervägen

This morning we handed over the all the keys… the keys to the apartment, to the storage closet, to the laundry room, to the outlet on our parking space. After months of working to shed our belongings and a very intense last week of moving out what was left and cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, it’s almost difficult to understand……

The Infinite Nature of Stuff

I am married to an eternal optimist. Most of the time, this is an endearing quality, and his voice is absolutely one that I need in my life. There are also times when he needs a dose of my realism (as I call it), though most of the time we’re able to agree that the reality is probably somewhere in……