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Just not on the part of it that we saw.

Admittedly, seeing Route 66 wasn’t much of a priority for us. I confess that I don’t understand the draw. It has American cultural significance I suppose, and perhaps I am too young to quite know what that is. It’s one of those things that I’ve heard of (like in the song that inspired the title of this post) but I’m not really sure why. So we weren’t going out of our way to see it. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

But before we reached Petrified Forest National Park (our next mini-destination to break up the drive to Albuquerque) we crossed a section of it. And our geocaching app tipped us that there was a cache to be found in this particular site. We hadn’t found a cache in Arizona yet, and it seemed a shame to criss-cross the United States without seeing any of Rt 66. So it warranted a stop.

A sign talking about Route 66 (which I read, hoping it would make me more excited about seeing it… it didn’t), this rusted out shell of a car, and some telephone poles were all that this particular “monument” had to offer.


But now we’ve stood on part of the celebrated Rt. 66. Emelie was all too glad to get out and play, since the whole desert is just one big, glorious sandbox for her.


And after searching entirely too long, we never did find that cache.

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