Zzyzx Rd

When was the last time you saw a 5-letter word using only the last 3 letters of the alphabet? No? Me neither. It’s in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California, but the car ahead of us exited so apparently people go there. Imagine my surprise when I asked Mr. Google about this word and it turns out it……

5000 Miles

Assuming that our trip is 10,000 miles (which we’re now thinking is a pretty big underestimate), then 5,000 miles would be the halfway point distance-wise. Our trip odometer reached 5,000 miles exactly on September 24, not far from Mt. Rainier in Washington. If our trip is 90 days (which seems like it’s probably a pretty good estimate) then the halfway……

Recalculating Route…

“Recalculating route…” is what you hear the voice of your navigation system saying over and over again when you’ve made a wrong turn or decided to leave the route to get gas or a bite to eat. If you have made a wrong turn and are trying frantically to get back on track, the ever-calm voice of your GPS repeating……