Hollywood Drive-by

We left Santa Barbara, headed for Orange County, California, and took a detour off the interstate to drive through Beverly Hills and Hollywood. Even on a Saturday, there was a lot of traffic and since we were towing the trailer it was nearly impossible to park. So Beverly Hills for us was a drive-by, and all our pictures were taken from the car except one. I wanted to take a picture of the stars on Hollywood Boulevard, so Staffan pulled over wherever he could find space (definitely NOT a legal place to park!) and I had one minute to hop out and find a star. I had to walk a bit before I saw a name I recognized, but when I came to Ella Fitzgerald, I snapped the picture and ran back to the car.


Here are some more pictures. It’s Hollywood from the passenger seat of a minivan.

img_2391.jpgI should’ve zoomed this one better. The sign above “HOLLYWOOD” says “stay cool” with an arrow pointing right. We turned right. Who wouldn’t?

img_2383.jpgThese neighborhoods look just like they do on TV

img_2381.jpgRodeo Drive, baby! We heard on the radio that they’re trying to get permission to build a 99¢ store there.

img_2386.jpgAnother weird yellow sign that should have been zoomed better. Under “city of Los Angeles” this one says “Magic Ahead”

img_2399.jpgThe Chinese Theater – from the passenger side of a moving minivan

img_2397.jpgHollywood Boulevard

img_2378.jpgThe Beverly Hills sign

img_2409.jpgLos Angeles city skyline

img_2405.jpgWarner Brothers studio gate

img_2404.jpgHollywood Boulevard, Bob Hope Square

We spent entirely too long driving around trying to find a good view of the Hollywood sign. We looked it up on the internet (what did we do without smart phones?) and drove around and around and around trying to find the places they suggested. In the end, we saw it clearly at least. The pictures aren’t great, but they aren’t bad for minivan photography.

img_2416.jpgThis is an expensive picture, if you count the time and gas it took to get it

Obviously, Hollywood is a place you could go and spend your whole vacation. Lots of people do. But we’re not exactly celebrity watchers, and can’t really imagine ourselves spending money on a “tour of the stars’ homes” or anything like that. It was definitely fun to see some of these famous places with our own eyes, and it was worth taking the detour off the interstate. But my curiosity is satisfied and I can’t say I have any great longing to go back.

2 thoughts on “Hollywood Drive-by

  1. that’s really too bad you don’t get to spend much time in Hollywood. There’re a lot of things to do there but you definitely at least got a star! it was also ella and that makes it all worth it.

    Parking in Hollywood is definitely a nightmare even for a mini cooper. Great find and I hope you get to visit it again soon.

  2. Well done, I remember my dad trying to navigate around these places in our rental car 2001 and experiencing similar issues trying to find the Hollywood sign, parking, etc. Fun to have seen, but not worth REALLY putting a lot of time towards when there are greater things to see on a trip like you have experienced

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