Black Hills Campground Review: Spokane Creek

Our home in the Black Hills was at the Spokane Creek campground. It’s definitely a place we’d recommend! Here’s our review: Price: $22/night, off-season rate. Location: A bit difficult to find, so believe what they say on their website. It’s easier to call and get directions from them or get it straight from the website than it is to find……

Black Hills and White Men

Continuing west from the Badlands, we came to the Black Hills region of South Dakota. Starkly different from the arid, rocky landscape of the Badlands, the Black Hills have lush forests and plenty of opportunities to see wildlife. We started our visit with a tour of Bear Country, a drive-through zoo where the animals roam relatively freely and are often……

There is this Silence in the Badlands…

Any Rich Mullins fans out there that recognize this title as a line from his song “Calling out your Name”? I must confess that other than this song lyric, I’d never even really heard of the Badlands. They weren’t along our original planned route, mostly because we didn’t know they were there. But we’re so glad we changed our route……

Al’s Oasis

We are not much for tourist traps. The more billboards I see placed along the highway, the less I want to stop at whatever is advertised. It provokes in me the opposite reaction to the one intended. So when we were looking for someplace to stay on our way between Minnesota and the Badlands in South Dakota, Al’s Oasis was……

Experiencing the Body of Christ

I think I can safely say, without exaggerating, that we have recently experienced one of the starkest contrasts between churches available in the U.S. today. We have committed to attend church on Sundays during our time on the road. This is important to us for many reasons, but we also feel it will add to our overall experience to meet……