Stuff and Creativity

As our move is in progress and our trip gets closer, it seems there’s more worth sharing and fewer opportunities to sit and write any of it down. We also don’t have internet yet at our new apartment, so forgive me if this blog isn’t so well maintained for a little while. We’re in a bit of a warm-up to……

Recalculating Route…

“Recalculating route…” is what you hear the voice of your navigation system saying over and over again when you’ve made a wrong turn or decided to leave the route to get gas or a bite to eat. If you have made a wrong turn and are trying frantically to get back on track, the ever-calm voice of your GPS repeating……

Can you have too much fun?

This morning I was ready to cancel the whole trip. Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure we won’t. But this morning I got a little reminder of what my kids are really like when they’re over-tired and overstimulated. Not just later that day but the day after and sometimes the day after that. I won’t go into detail – if you……

The Route

So here it is! This is our planned route! We’re hoping that by choosing a northern route as we drive west and a southern route as we drive back east, we’ll avoid both the heat of the South in late August and early September and the cold of the North in late October and November. You could say we’re trying……

Small Spaces

Sometimes I get a little nervous about spending 90 days living out of a minivan and a pop-up camper with three other people. Granted, these are the three people I love most in the world. And two of them are relatively small… but this size difference is quickly compensated for in the volume of stuff needed  to take care of these……

The Window

We are so often asked about how we can have the time to take a trip like this. I think what’s often behind the question is a longing to do the same. Not exactly the same- let’s face it, not everyone thinks a 3 month road trip with toddlers sounds like a great time – but “the same” as in……

10,000 miles in 90 days with 2 toddlers?

Yes, that’s right. We’ll be on the road for 90 days. We plan to travel approximately 10,000 miles on a coast-to-coast tour of the United States. And yes, we have two toddlers. Well, the youngest isn’t quite “toddling” yet, but he will be soon. Maybe even on this trip! Our daughter will turn 3 just before we leave, and our……